Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chef Shack Returning to DT Mpls “Soon”

I’ve been following Chef Shack on Twitter and Facebook since early last summer. I first “Liked” them to stay in the know as to when they were downtown and what they were serving. I was often lured over to the truck by their Facebook pictures of their chalkboard menu and the temptation of Indian-spiced mini donuts. Then, in October they closed the trucks for the season and headed to New York. I kept following as they journeyed around the Big Apple and then overseas, posting pictures of exotic scenery and foods along the way. Finally, this spring they returned to the states and reported that the trucks were out of storage. Woo hoo! I was ready for my sweet potato tacos! I watched their posts: First they hit the farmer’s markets (which I haven’t been able to make yet). Then downtown St. Paul. And here I am stuck in downtown Minneapolis still only in touch with Chef Shack through my phone! When are they coming back?! Finally on Friday I couldn’t stand the waiting and just went ahead and asked them directly on Facebook. Happily, their response was, “Soon!...Donut truck just got her generator re-built…and will be returning to the circuit!” I definitely like this comment! I will be watching my phone for details.

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